Our enrichment offer

As well as the highest quality teaching and learning, we promise that every child at Wainwright Primary Academy will have the opportunity to….

  • Learn to respect our community
  • Practice their religion freely
  • Learn to play an instrument
  • Learn to swim
  • Have the opportunity to become a sports leader
  • Raise money for charity
  • Take part in the summer fayre and winter crafts festival
  • Cook within D&T using recipes and creating our own
  • Learn to sew
  • Visit a concert hall
  • Take part in tournaments
  • Attend school discos
  • Take part in British science week
  • Make clay and pottery designs
  • Attend forest schools
  • Visit religious buildings in the local area
  • Go on an overnight educational visit
  • Learn how to navigate personal and social engagement
  • Visit coastal areas
  • Take pride in their own creative achievements
  • Visit a library
  • Visit museums and galleries
  • Explore animals and their environments/habitats
  • Learn about different careers and take part in aspiration day
  • See a pantomime or visit a theatre
  • Learn and build appropriate relationships
  • Become Mini Police officer
  • Compete in a sports day
  • Visit local care homes and have conversations with the older generation
  • Take part in World Book Day
  • Take part in a musical performance
  • Visit a farm
  • Become a peer mentor
  • Join a club
  • Learn about a range of different artists and art movements
  • Take part in Internet Safety Week
  • Attend a healthy relationships course
  • Take part in wellbeing Wednesdays
  • Learn a different language
  • Learn about different countries and cultures

Extra-curricular enrichment

We encourage all children to get involved in activities outside of their lessons; to enable them to try new things, meet new friends and develop new skills. We offer a number of free clubs that might interest your child, click below to see our offers.


Young Voices
Thursday 3.10-4.10pm
Mrs Hallam and Mrs Radford

Art club for foundation stage pupils
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Mr Dowse, Miss Bown, Miss Prichett, Mrs Jones, Miss Choudhury

Times tables rock stars
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Miss Pickford, Miss Smith, Mrs Wightwick, Miss Chapman

Year 5 comprehension and maths club
Wednesday and Thursday 3:15-4:15pm
Miss Quinn and Mrs Fox

Homework club
Wednesday 3:15-4.00pm
Mrs Stirland and Miss Skeavington

Reading comprehension and maths club
Tuesday 3:15pm-4:15pm
Mr Henderson and Miss Gould

Football club for years 5 and 6
Every Friday 3.10pm-4.10pm
Miss Haynes from Premier league Stars and Mr Hallam


Curling club for years 3-4
Wednesday 3.15-4.15pm
Miss Smith and Mrs Munroe

SATS boosters year 6 and year 2
Tuesday 3.15-4.15pm
Year 6 and year 2
Mr Henderson and Mrs Stirland

Mindfulness club 
Thursday 3.15-4.00pm
Mrs Whitmore

Spring – cooking club for foundation stage pupils
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Mr Dowse, Miss Bown, Miss Prichett, Mrs Jones, Miss Choudhury


Sign language club  
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Miss Pickford

KS1 dance club
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Miss Herbert and Miss Chapman

Summer – games club for foundation stage pupils
Tuesday 3.15-4.00pm
Mr Dowse, Miss Bown, Miss Prichett, Mrs Jones, Miss Choudhury

Pupil leadership

The Wainwright pupil leadership team empowers children within our academy and wider community to become ambassadors. The pupil leadership team plays an extremely important role in the academy by representing the pupil voice with their views on changes and improvements to academy life.

Members of the pupil leadership team have to demonstrate qualities such as the use of initiative; being a good role model to their peers and being able to share their ideas with others. Children must also be trustworthy, honest, well-mannered and patient, all important skills to have when they move on to the next stages of their education and career.

Mental health ambassadors

Miss Haynes from Nottingham Forest Community Trust delivering Premier League Primary Stars empowers a group of children from year 3 to year 6 to lead wellbeing initiatives that provide peer to peer support in our academy. These initiatives aim to increase wellbeing and resilience, help protect the mental health of our children and help reduce the risk of mental illness now and later in life.

The mental health ambassadors meet once every three weeks and they discuss different initiatives that they can plan and deliver within our academy, like drop in dens, arts and crafts, and mindfulness.
The role of the mental health ambassadors gives a sense of belonging and connection, builds skills for them to develop positive peer relationships, develops empathy and gives greater access to support for all young people in our academy.

Class councillors

In every class there is a class councillor who has been elected by their peers. They are the pupils’ voice for their class and meet once every half term with Mrs Hopkinson (TA) to bring ideas, discuss issues, answer questions and raise awareness of any subjects appropriate to them in their class.

Class councillors provide feedback back to their class following the meetings, leading a class discussion centered on the next meeting agenda, it is their job to record the feedback from their class. Then our principal, is invited to see the feedback from the whole academy and this is narrowed down to two main ideas, which the class councillors vote on to make fair decisions and to represent the pupil’s voice.

Within each class, our class councillor is a role model to promote our academy’s vison and values plus the 5B’s:

Our vision
To inspire. To raise aspirations. To create brighter tomorrows.

Our core values
We empower
We respect
We care

Wainwright 5 B’s
Be safe
Be kind
Be responsible
Be respectful
Be curious

It is a real achievement to be chosen to represent the academy as a class councillor and we feel that this role helps children show their leadership qualities.

The role helps children to understand more about what staff do around the academy and our wider trust, together with building their confidence through speaking with visitors, staff and governors.

Peer mentor and sports ambassadors

Our team of peer mentor and sports ambassadors meet every third week with Miss Haynes from Nottingham Forest Community Trust delivering Premier League Primary Stars and they discuss ideas for games and activities outdoors followed by planning and practicing how to teach their peers how to play them.

The role of the peer mentor and sports ambassador is to support their friends and classmates within the academy, specifically at breaks and lunchtimes.

These children are identified by their red Nottingham Forest caps. They regularly go to the friendship bench and buddy stop at break times and lunch times to help solve problems with the pupils and encourage them to take part in fun games and activities.

Peer mentors and sports ambassadors together with Miss Haynes also arrange and lead sports events for the academy working with staff members.

Diversity committee

The diversity committee meets once every half term with Miss Gould (TA) to discuss all the different cultures we have within our academy.

During these meetings we share our experiences of music, food, books, languages, traditions, clothing, arts, customs, beliefs and religions.

We are planning to implement diversity days throughout the academic year where we can invite our parents, carers and other families’ members into the academy and immerse ourselves in different cultures and beliefs.

This could be through resources like clothing, photographs, artefacts, music, stories and baking to give us a better insight into the lives of our children and their families.

This is especially important to us as our academy community is represented by children and families from approximately 15 different countries!

Eco team

Our eco teams mission is all about empowering our children to drive change and improve our environmental awareness.

The eco team consists of children from foundation 2 to year 6 who meet every three weeks with Miss Haynes from Nottingham Forest Community Trust delivering Premier League Primary Stars to discuss and plan how to improve both our Wainwright Primary Academy environment and that of the wider community and furthermore, world.

The eco team member’s feedback the key highlights of their meetings to keep everyone informed of their plans.

Benefits include:

  • children get the chance to plan and implement their own environmental actions and projects related to combating climate change;
  • raising environmental awareness;
  • children becoming more confident, better behaved and developed their leadership skills;
  • improving our academy environment; and
  • saving the academy money.

Mini Police team

The Mini Police scheme is an interactive volunteering opportunity for children aged 9-11 year old, which follows our three step approach, education, community and reward.

The objective is to introduce us to a positive experience of policing and to get us involved in the local community.

PCSO Romek and PCSO Steve deliver education on policing priorities which is then shared to the rest of our academy delivered by the our own Mini Police officers who take part in community activities to enhance community confidence and pride such as litter picking, road safety and intergenerational opportunities.

Our first year (2021-2022) was an extremely successful one. The Mini Police were involved in many projects:

  • community Christmas carol service
  • Police dog visit
  • community clean up
  • Pudsey Bear ‘Children in need’ fundraiser
  • road safety presentation
  • parking patrols
  • internet safety presentation
  • Ben Kinsella ‘Choices & Consequences’ exhibition
  • fire station visit
  • Easter egg decorating competition
  • water safety

In 2022 – 2023 recruited another 20 Mini Police officers. The year ahead looks very exciting for these new officers.