On Friday we were delighted to start planting trees on the academy site as we work towards becoming a Forest School. Pupils and staff were joined by members of our fabulous PTA in the autumn drizzle to pop our sapling trees into the ground at the back of the academy. The trees have been donated to Wainwright by the Woodland Trust, and will now grow into a wooded area that will support a variety of wildlife and become an enjoyable learning and social environment for our children.
Forest Schools are a specialised learning approach that sits within the main academy and enriches the wider curriculum through its focus on outdoor learning and woodland education. We are also hoping to secure funding and materials to create an allotment of planters to allow children to learn about growing food and plants, together with create bug hotels, a wild flower garden and bird boxes.
Thank you once again to our PTA, to Miss Gledhill for her hard work, and to our pupil Elliott for his brilliant planting skills!