As part of our efforts to raise aspirations for all pupils, children from two of our year groups have recently had the opportunity to visit the University of Nottingham to find out about what it takes to be a university student.
Our year 5 students attended a Science Discovery day at the university where they took part in turning 2 pence pieces into gold, experimenting with liquid nitrogen, investigating fossils, making slime, extracting DNA from fruit, and programming computers using a banana keyboard! All of these interesting and interactive activities took place in the brilliant science labs at the school of Chemistry, showcasing their fabulous facilities.
This visit followed on from our year 3 pupils, who also attended an aspirations day in April. The children were exposed to new and exciting experiences including taking part in a range of sporting activities and learning all about nutrition and its effect on our bodies and minds.
Both groups were also taken on a tour of the university by current university students, having the chance to see the library, the students union, lecture theatres, and the halls of residence together with finding out about the different types of subjects they could study in the future. It was a wonderful experience for the children, inspiring them to achieve the best they possibly can within their lives.
The children were a credit to Wainwright and we were all very proud of every one of them.