Pupils took a trip to Retford to meet the CEO of Diverse Academies and find out more about what the people working at the Trust’s headquarters do. The children took a tour of the building and enjoyed meeting the different operational teams who work behind the scenes to support the 14 academies across Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.
Diverse Academies Learning Partnership has over 8,500 pupils and students, and more than 1000 employees that work over seven secondary, five primary and two special academies. Teams including IT, communications, HR and data management all introduced themselves to the pupils and explained their role at the Trust and how they support Wainwright Academy.
Chief Executive Officer at Diverse Academies, Chris Pickering, spent time with the children hearing about the wonderful work they are doing – some of which is displayed on the walls in his office. He explained what it means to be CEO and how his role fits into the Trust.
Jon Chapman, Principal at Wainwright Primary Academy, accompanied the children along with Lynn Webster (pictured below). Mr Chapman said: “The children loved meeting the staff at headquarters. They didn’t realise how many people worked on behalf of the Trust and the variety of the jobs they do.”
You can find out more about Diverse Academies at www.dalp.org.uk